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Kingston Analytical Services Toxicology

Kingston Analytical Services Toxicology


KAST offers blood sample tests for alcohol, cannabis and cocaine for the purpose of Section 5 and 5a of the Road Traffic Act 1988. Results aim to be returned within 30 days and are accompanied by an expert forensic report (Section 9 Witness statement) issued by our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratory*. 

T: +44 (0)20 8417 2048, E:KAST@kingston.ac.uk, W:kastforensics.com 

Option 1 - Alcohol (Alc)

Option 2 - Cannabis (THC) or Cocaine (Coc) - Confirm choice at checkout

Option 3 - Two from Alcohol, Cannabis, Cocaine - Confirm choice at checkout

Option 4 - Alcohol, Cannabis and Cocaine

Expedited Service (14 Day TRT)

Should you require a quicker turnaround time (TRT), we offer an expedited service on the options below. Please note, our turnaround times are based on the date of sample receipt at the laboratory.

Option 5 - Expedited Alcohol 

Option 6 - Expedited Cannabis or Cocaine - Confirm choice at checkout

Option 7 - Expedited Two from Alcohol, Cannabis, Cocaine - Confirm choice at checkout

*Our accredited services are detailed in the UKAS accreditation schedule which can be found here.

For more information, please see: B-sample testing or alternatively our FAQs

Important - Before checkout, please ensure you read and ackowledge the:

Privacy Statement and the Terms & Conditions

Option 1


Option 2


Option 3


Option 4


Option 5


Option 6


Option 7


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